Friday, December 4, 2009

.Semi Spiritual Rant.

Healing is something as humans we do everyday...if we realize it or not, every second of the day we are healing from something. Sometimes more than one thing. I thought about this today when I was taking a shower.

We are made to weather the storms...big and small, and at the end of the day we know what we can handle and what we cannot.

Its so intriguing, the hell we put ourselves through...things that can be avoided. Relationships, Friendships... staying up all night for test, worrying about if that person likes you or not. Things like that...

What would it be like if we just became free-like lived day to day and realized that life is full of worries and trying to get the most out of it.

Something that I always tell myself that makes me happy and calm is "Know that God is Faithful" and this can apply to you no matter what higher power you believe in.

I firmly believe that all things happen for a reason...good or bad, stupid or irrelevant.

People always say live your life to its fullest, and I fully support this. -Not only is life to short, its to many moments that pass us by that we cannot get back.

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You Boomkack, because your snatched... when some one tells you different you tell them there tacky... then you lean back, and keep it movin'