Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Angry Black Woman.

You know I have to say I am proud of Mo'Nique for winning Best Supporting Actress at the Academy. However, I must say this... When will a black actress get an academy for not playing a stereotypical angry black woman.

Stereotypes about black women have coursed through pop culture for centuries. They range from the smiling, asexual, and often obese Mammy to the promiscuous Jezebel who lures men with her sexual charms. But the one getting a major workout these days is the angry black woman. No one ever sees her as independent or innovative she is always loud, rude, and ready to cuss you out.

I hope I am alive the day a black woman can receive an award for just pure talent.

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You Boomkack, because your snatched... when some one tells you different you tell them there tacky... then you lean back, and keep it movin'